Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hovering Goal and my stubbornness

I have had the goal of running a half marathon for many years. I have started training several times. I even signed up and paid the fee the first time I was training.
But life has gotten in the way. Not excuses but REAL life events. Life events that usually only happen to missionaries or to people living in third world countries.
The first time I was training, I ended up with cerebral malaria and almost died. Malaria isn't like a cold or even the flu. The first time you have it, it knocks you down and then drains all your energy and reserves out of you. The cerebral variety also leaves you with residual headaches for about a month after the virus is gone. Training is over!
The second time I started training, I got Typhoid Fever and Malaria at the same time!  Trading is over!
The third time, I got a stress fracture in my foot and I got a baby!  Let me clarify- Anna came to live with me- it was sudden and I was overwhelmed with having a 13 month old that was the size of a newborn. She was weak, very sick and needed me more than I needed  the half marathon. Training was over for the third time!

Running in the Santa Hat Fun Run 10K in Kampala on December 17 - I was happy!

I have to admit that I felt defeated. I was wondering if I was setting unrealistic goals for myself- blah blah blah. . .
I am a stubborn person. No, let's say strong willed. Determined. Stupid(?). Whatever. I REALLY want to meet this goal. It is looming over me.
So, I have been training again - for the fourth time.   But this time is different. This time is better.
First, I have had malaria so many times now that it doesn't knock me down, it just weakens me for a few days. And I am not as susceptible to it. (Told you I was stubborn). Secondly, I am training with someone. Heather had graciously agreed to support my craziness and run with me.
I can't really think of a third reason but things are just better.
I am in week 9 of a 12 week plan - I have registered for a half-marathon on January 21!  I have three weeks left!
We can do this!
I can do this!

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