Monday, January 8, 2018

Be Filled

The 2018 Esangalo Children's Choir is traveling on Thursday to America.  These are 20 children from our community that have been practicing for the past 2 years for this trip.

The tour is called The Be Filled Tour.  Be filled with Christ, be filled with His Love.  Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The kids did great. They smiled the entire time. They sang great.

They sang for their parents and the community yesterday at church.  The kids were so excited to be performing.  They were also very nervous.
Evan and Leslie Richardson are the tour directors.  This is Evan thanking the community after the presentation.

The parents and community were also excited.  Many of them told us they were not going to their usual church that morning, that they were coming to hear the Choir and they were wearing their gomez dress. This is the typical fancy dress the women wear.  It is distinctive because it has shoulders that stick up and a wide belt that ties in the front.  This is the top level fashion and dressy dress here - formal wear!

The parents were so excited and happy!

We had many visitors from the community.

The lady in green with the pink head wrap is wearing a gomez.

If you want to see the choir perform in America, check the calendar at this link:

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