Monday, February 16, 2015

Long but great.

Yesterday, Sunday was an exciting day.  
It started at 5:30, getting Margaret up and to the hospital for treatment. 

Afterwards we came back and slept for a while. Then we caught a taxi and went to Watoto church. It is a huge Pentecostal church here in Uganda. They have 7 or 8 locations and multiple services. Margaret and the grandmother had never seen anything like it before!

At one point, Margaret was trying to clap but she was so overwhelmed by everything that she was doing one of those golf claps with her mouth hanging open as she gawked at everyone. 

The grandmother was singing, dancing and having a great time. 

We went home afterwards, Margaret was pretty tired. 

Another treatment at 2:00.  It was raining, so Galya wrapped Margaret in a blanket. She was happy and laughing until they had to change her canulla twice in one treatment. 

That afternoon, after  treatment and another nap- we went walking. We found another church but the grandmother said they were drunk so she wouldn't go inside. (It was pretty loud and crazy)

We sat outside the hotel to get fresh air and took some photos. 

Later, Galya and I walked the mile to the grocery store to buy water, food, etcetera. 

The power had been off all day. So, that night we had a candlelight dinner and all shared one fried chicken breast and fries- laughing as we all pulled off pieces of the meat. 

Then, again with a treatment. Finally, at 11:30, we went to bed. 

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