Friday, October 3, 2014

A Heavy Heart

My heart is heavy.

 I just spoke with one of our teachers at the VOE School.  She told me this story:

An 18 month old girl, her cousin, was kidnapped on Sunday from the Jinja area.  They found her body at the community well last night.  She had been sacrificed.  Someone bored a hole in her neck and drained her life blood out.  The teacher told me that the person who did the sacrifice believes that it will bring them wealth.

I have always heard that there are child sacrifices here in Uganda, but it had never reached this close to home.  Evil is something very real and present.

Please pray for Jenny, the mother of the child.  Pray that she can somehow be comforted during this traumatic time.  Pray that her family can find comfort in the Lord.

The teacher did have some good news; another baby girl that had been kidnapped was found last night, unharmed!

Please pray also that we can continue to teach and influence the communities surrounding the Village of Eden with the Truth – the Word of God.  I truly believe that His Word is the only way that Uganda can be changed and this great Evil be dispelled.

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