Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Lord turned on the lights!

Last night, I arrived back from school camp (more on that later) to a dark house.  Most of Cochabamba was without lights.  No problem, this happens once or twice a month, no big deal.  I was exhausted - mentally, physically and emotionally from keeping up with 17 8th grade girls for three days.

All I had on my mind was "Eat, Shower, Sleep" in that order.  I sat down and ate some crackers and cheese in the romantic or spooky ambiance of candle light.  My exhausted mind was going towards the latter.  I kept assuring myself the movement I thought I kept seeing in the other room was just the flicker of the candle.  "Calm down Jess, it is just the candle, don't be silly, nothing to worry about."

Since there was not electricity, the shower was out.  I opted to call my parents to let them know I had survived camp.  I am standing outside my house (no signal inside) casually flashing my light around the yard, waiting for someone to pickup.  My light focuses on a stick - then I realize it is actually a black and red snake - with his head lifted, looking at me!!!

In that moment Dad answers.  "Hey Dad, I am back from camp.  Can't talk, don't have much credit."

Dad asks, "How was camp?"  "I can't talk, gotta go!  Bye."

At least I think that is what I said.  I was actually thinking, a snake, do I step on it, no I have on flip flops.  Wait, there is car over there, I can get help.  I run over to get Juan.  By the time we get back, the snake is gone.  Disappeared.  Juan looks around, rustles the grass and bushes, nothing.  I start envisioning him going under my door into my house. . . in the dark. . .

I go in to get something and see a rat sitting on the window outside.  Great!  Snakes and rats!  I go to my room and find a giant spider crawling across the floor. I quickly step on it.  Snakes, Rats and Spiders.  The candles keep flickering.  Looks like a haunted house!

This is the point at which I stop thinking rationally - exhaustion and fear have set in.  I decide there is no way I can sleep with a snake outside.  What will keep him from coming inside.  My great idea:  pour salt on the thresh hold.  My thinking is that it will rub his belly and he won't want to cross.  (I know, not rational, but, there was nothing rational about my thought process at this moment.)

I go get the salt.   I am preparing to pour when there is a knock on the door.  I scream!  I never scream!

It is a friend, I tell her about the snake, rat and spider.  She says she would have screamed too.  She helps me spread salt and says her mother always put garlic out to keep the snakes away.  Why not!?!  I dump all my garlic along the door too.  (It will keep out the vampires also!)

I then go to my room, sit on my bed in the dark and start crying.  "Lord, I am so tired, so, so tired.  I really need to sleep  But I can't sleep, I am too nervous about the snake.  Please let me sleep."  At that exact moment, The Lord turned on the lights!

Everything is so much better in the light!  I looked all over the house, no snake to be found.

Then I called Mom, she laughed hysterically and then assured me I would be ok.  I then took that hot shower I desperately needed and went to bed.  I slept until 9:00 this morning, peacefully - snake, rat and spider free!

The Lord knew exactly what I needed and He provided it for me!

For those of you that think I am so cool under pressure - this one proves you wrong and shows you who my calmness comes from - it is all from The Lord!

P.S.  I still have not found the snake and the salt and garlic are still on the thresh hold. . .

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