Sunday, February 11, 2018

Celebrating the Nations

". . .and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and people and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. . . "  Revelation 7:9

At the Village of Eden Church, we represent 6 countries and numerous tribes!  We celebrated all those people groups today!  The community was so excited.

The children were very excited.  There were about twice as many kids as usual!

Representing America!




Willy and Abednego (German and Kenyan)

Masai Tribe

Beatrace in her traditional full gomez dress.  She was so beautiful.

Samia Tribe

Tiso Tribe

Luya Tribe

The church was so full today!

Our church choir

Japadola Tribe

Japadola Tribe

Lugisu Tribe

Tiya, reprinting Ukraine

Anna was struggling - too much shouting, dancing and celebrating

We ended with a "Parade of Nations"  Each tribe marched across the stage.

The Samia tribe was the most represented!

Meanwhile, this child was sound asleep right beside the stage.  I was worried he would get stepped on.

They were so proud!

Three housemothers:  Joyce (Mama Boo, Beatrice (Sangi) and Alice

Willy shaved his beard to look more German!

Georgia representatives:  Jessica and Heather

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