Sunday, September 27, 2015

“He wants to live here because it is a good place.”

One of our Village of Eden students has started coming to visit us each day.  He is all smiles and gives everyone a hug.  A few days ago, he came and looked at Brenda and said, “No home.” 
Brenda had Beatrace come to translate. 
“He wants to live here.”

I must admit, Brenda and I laughed.  But then we stopped laughing when we saw that he was heartbroken. [tug to the heart]
I told Beatrace to ask him why he wants to live with us.
“Because it is a good place.” [tug to the heart]
Well, you got me!
He left, heart broken, but came back the next day as if nothing had happened.  He came bright and early, ready for breakfast. 
He just makes himself at home, like he belongs here.  He like to hang out with me while I am working.  Needless to say, I don’t get as much done with him around.
I told him I would take his picture.  He picked up the book I was reading to pose! [tug to the heart]
I gave him some markers and a coloring book, he wrote my name! [two tugs]

Smart kid.  I won’t be surprised if he doesn’t’ wind up being a resident.

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