Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I just conducted two interviews for a teaching position at the school. They were pretty interesting. 

I was impressed with the first one, she seemed so enthusiastic, excited, etc.  I really liked her attitude. 

But, then I found our she doesn't actually have a teaching certificate!  This is pretty funny if you think about it- no one would even consider applying for a teaching job in the US if the were not actually qualified in some way. They would be laughed out of the interview. 

The second one has a teaching certificate (my second question, after her name). We began talking and somewhere along the way she actually began singing to me!  I refrained from laughing although I am laughing now as I write this. She sings well. 

I got a little wary of her though when I asked, "Do you go to prayers?"
"Yes. "
"Oh, ok, what church?"
" Ummm, what is it called?  Umm. . . "

For some reason I don't believe her!

I then asked her if she was currently working. She said yes but asserted me she would quit if I have her a job because the pay was not good at her current school.   This tells me that the money is what drives her- not the children, ministry or loyalty. 

I told both of them I would be in touch. I really need The Lord to send me the right person for the job

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